Volunteer Connections

Global Volunteer Month officially ends this week with the end of April, but making time for volunteering is important any time of year. It is also a great way to establish connections and make new friends. Nonprofit organizations often work with limited resources, so giving your time or talents can make a real impact. At... Continue Reading →

Tea for 80

My mom turned 80 this past week, and she knew exactly how she wanted to celebrate. She organized a luncheon with a few of her local friends at an adorable tea house not far from where she now lives with my dad on beautiful Cape Cod. Although she has not lived on the Cape for... Continue Reading →

Go Team!

Women's sports are having a moment. Along with over 14 million people, I witnessed Iowa’s victory over UConn in the recent Women's NCAA Final Four tournament. It was the most-watched women’s basketball game of all time and the largest audience ever for an ESPN basketball broadcast. As the daughter of a proud Iowa alum, it... Continue Reading →

Going the Distance

Zoom calls, group chats and emails are hugely helpful when you are missing your friends in faraway places. They certainly provide faster and more complete forms of staying in touch than what we had in the old days, when audio calls or snail mail were our only methods of communication with geographically dispersed friends. We’ve... Continue Reading →

Our Story: Part 5

In honor of this final day of Women’s History Month in 2024, I would like to share more of our friendship history; a history of two women that spans more than four decades and relocations to new states and a different country. People are sometimes surprised that the friendship between me and Sara has not... Continue Reading →

📚Happy Reading!

March is National Reading Month in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday, and we hope you are smack in the middle of a book you enjoy. A few months ago, Julia wrote about how reading can help us feel less alone by introducing us to others whose experiences resonate with our own. In his poem entitled... Continue Reading →

Pursuing Happiness

When life gets busy, it can be hard to pause and find joy in the small things. It’s easy to assume that something new will bring us happiness, but as Sara wrote in an earlier post, more stuff doesn’t lead to happiness or fulfillment. And we’ve all experienced how the glow that comes from a... Continue Reading →

Reconnecting After a Pause

Time seems to pass so quickly that it's not hard to lose track of a friend that you don't see regularly. That's especially true if you're not one to rely on social media to maintain contact. My advice is never to worry about how much time has gone by and whether it's too late to... Continue Reading →

Finding New Friends

Moving to a new city is never easy, especially when it involves long distance. Leaving behind friends and familiar surroundings can trigger heavy feelings of loss, and navigating the magnitude of change involved with a relocation can be difficult for anyone. Yet, I have watched one of my longtime friends gracefully manage big moves multiple... Continue Reading →

Three Years & Counting

This month marks three years since Julia and I started this blog to explore topics related to friendship. So far, we've produced about 160 posts, a few of which have been republished by other outlets and one of which went viral. We have made a few podcast episodes and conducted one original survey. Our viewers... Continue Reading →

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