Going the Distance

Zoom calls, group chats and emails are hugely helpful when you are missing your friends in faraway places. They certainly provide faster and more complete forms of staying in touch than what we had in the old days, when audio calls or snail mail were our only methods of communication with geographically dispersed friends.

We’ve written before about how lovely it is to hand-write and receive old-fashioned letters, cards and thank-you notes through the US mail. Sometimes, though, you just need to find a way to arrange an in-person visit. With some careful planning and budgeting, nothing beats reuniting in person with far-flung BFFs.

Last February, I traveled to Nashville, Tenn., to spend a few days with four of my college roommates. The city was chock full of friend groups celebrating all kinds of occasions that weekend, from birthdays to bachelorettes. There was no special reason for our trip, other than we had really missed being together. The weekend was lazy and relaxed. We laughed and joked, catching up and reminiscing like no time had passed. Weekends like that can truly make you feel more alive.

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I always try to have something on my calendar with my faraway friends to look forward to, and I highly recommend doing that. It helps keep the relationships close and thriving, because sometimes you really need to be in the room together to experience the happiness that you bring to one another.

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